In the headlines the past few days is a pastor from Colorado who has admitted to involvement in some questionable acts. I’m not writing to talk about whatever we may or may not know about this. I’m writing this to ask you to pray. Pray for this pastor and his family, pray for your pastor and his family, and pray for our leadership in general.
“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” John Maxwell. I believe that. To get to us, satan first attacks our leadership, whether that’s in the church or family.
The thing is, we all struggle with something. None of us is removed from temptation of any kind. Those in leadership are often put on this pedestal and are expected to be perfect – whatever that means. It’s true, but they are people just like we are. They put one pant leg on at a time just like we do. They are held to a higher standard, and the minute they show a weakness, we’re so quick to point it out and ‘throw stones.’ Oh no, but if WE mess up, God forbid that anyone mention it publicly.
I’m not excusing sin. Sin is sin, and wrong is wrong. I just think we need to be careful of how we respond to these situations.
Let us pray for each other and those who serve the body of Christ. They are under intense scrutiny and sometime have little privacy. The stresses and pressures are beyond what we can imagine. Again, the best thing we can do is pray for and encourage them.
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