You know, I've said it before - I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to politics. I watch the news, I stay informed as much as possible and I read what I can...but I'm still way clueless. I don't claim to be able to speak intelligently when it comes to politics, BUT I can tell you this - I get pretty stinkin annoyed when one administration blames the previous one for the current problems. Hello! That comes with the territory. That's just how it is. This administration will inherit from the last; the last inherited from the previous and so on. Blaming them for the issues gets old. It's like me blaming my parents for my issues. It's playing the victim, and it's annoying.
Moving on.
I did it. Yesterday I went for my first run in a long time. Since running wasn't a regular part of my diet last year, my midwife didn't allow me to do any running while preggers. She said I could walk as much as I wanted, and did that, but I itched to run. I was itching to run for a while. Then I got big, and the itch was still there, but walking even a mile made my skin feel like I was stretching it beyond its limits. I know I wasn't; I was made for that. But oh, he got heavy.
So Xander came along, and the itch grew. So finally at 6 weeks, Rose Marie released me to run...start slow, she said, but at least I could run and lift a little more than baby's weight. I didn't, though...until yesterday. I slept in until 7...nursed the lil guy and then debated the whole running thing. At first I got back in the warm covers and closed my eyes to sleep in even longer. No. I needed to get my lazy behind out of bed and get to doing something...even if it was just to feel like I'd accomplished one thing. I ran. It was less than a mile, and I didn't break a sweat, but working my lungs felt so great. Thank you, God, for legs that run. And thank you, God, for husbands that keep baby...until I get my running stroller.
...and just because...
awww, he loves abuelita

Playing on the quilt from Aunt Janet

He was actually all smiles with Cara, but here's his serious moment