Friday, October 30, 2009

Birth Thoughts

So I was thinking about my labor experience...a crazy one, but one that I would not take back. I learned a lot from it. Like...

Low-pitch groans and sounds do so much more than high-pitched shrills and shreaks. I did some of both, and Ina May knows best. I also kept my jaw very loose by blowing 'raspberries' or that stuff that horses do, letting the lips do a flapping thing.

Being confined a bed would NOT have worked for me had I been in a hospital. I was moving around quite a bit, was in the shower and tub a lot before the real pool was filled, and I was down on all fours when a contraction hit (if I was walking around or whatever). I found that was the best position for me. That and then I either hugged Nathan or buried my face in the ground or in the mattress if I was next to the bed.

The water is amazing. Unfortunately I ended up having to get out, but boy, when I was either in the shower, tub or the pool, there was such relief. It was almost instant. Sure, the contractions were still there, but there was something about the water that was just pure relaxation. Too much for me we found out. Hopefully the next one won't be that way.

Good midwives are simply my heroes. Yes, I believe that had another midwife been taking care of us, we would've ended up at the hospital needlessly. In fact, the midwife assisting MY midwife was ready for us to go. She had asked Rose Marie if she was ready to take me. It was a thought, but thankfully a fleeting one for Rose Marie. She told me later that she did consider it. She took a couple of minutes away from it all and literally asked God for wisdom on what to do. We weren't in any danger, and because baby was literally just a couple of inches away, she was determined to see this through with my wishes in mind. I love my midwife. Oh, and great midwives will also 'threaten' you :) Yes, after Xander was born and we had done the bath thing and all that, all I wanted to do was eat, hold my baby and sleep. Well, not so easy. In blunt terms, she made me sit in the toilet as long as it took for me to pee. When I tried to get up and get into bed, she threatened me with, "You need to go or I'll have to cath you." Huh??? Cath, like catheter? Yes, like catheter. Apparently you have to do that or be catheterized (sp?). It took a few minutes, but her threat was enough to keep me there a little longer when all I wanted was to eat some pancakes. Thank God for amazing midwives.

Those are just thoughts I had today.

And with those thoughts, a few more recent pics. I can't get enough of him.

He LIKES time at the changing table. Let's hope it stays this way.
Photobucket Photobucket


No boobie there, kiddo.

With Auntie Resa. I love this picture.

Playing with phone from Abuelita. This was his first time to actually hold it...couldn't catch the whole thing on camera.

With Daddy...who hasn't approved the posting of this shot...

Laughing with Abuelita

He holds his toys now

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thoughts on Mommyhood

I've been asked several times how I'm adjusting to my new calling as a mom. Hmmm...if you know me at all, it's a loaded question because, to a fault, I'm so stinkin' analytical.

I am LOVING being a mother. I love, love, love my son more than I can tell you. It was a bit rough at first because of the crazy issues I was having, but now that those issues settled, I'm loving it. Getting up in the middle of the night to nurse has become something I almost look forward to (most of the time)...if someone can...because I get to spend such special moments with Xander. He coos, I think likes it when I sing to him and just studies my face with his big eyes. I love it. I love the funny little things he does. I crack up all the time. I love it when he 'talks' to his daddy.

Mommyhood also very overwhelming. In a good way, I think. You know when you babysit for someone? Well, the parents always come back to get their kid. If there's something wrong, it's their responsibility to deal with it. Not so now. This is OUR child, and he's OUR responsibility. I feel completely ill-equipped to be a mother. I'm overwhelmed that God would find us 'fit' to raise this child. Who are WE?? He gave Xander to us so obviously He knows we can do it. But do I? Again - overwhelming.

Watching his actions and just looking at my son often brings me to tears. He's such a precious gift, and I'm beyond thankful and honored that I get to be in his life...for a LONG time. It's hard to believe still that he's ours and that he's here. Except when he cries. :)

My sleeping angel