Very recently I was asked, “Why the Colts? Why not Dallas, the Eagles, or any other team?” I’ve asked myself the same questions, and the more I watch Peyton Manning, the better I understand where my obsession with him and the Colts began. You see, Peyton & I have much in common.
John Madden says of Peyton Manning, “…he is everything you would ever want in a quarterback…not just one of the best quarterbacks of all time…but in the top 5 of all time…” He knows everything that’s going on around him and knows the game better than most coaches. As Madden has said about Peyton, “…he’s the best because he works the hardest. Nobody works harder…” But watching him can be stressful.
Okay, now take Tom Brady – this guy has amazing talent…almost as great as Manning. He DOES have something Peyton Manning doesn’t have, and that’s freedom – freedom to make mistakes and move on. Brady has come to the realization that although he can play a great game, there is NEVER a perfect game. This is not only because he can make a mistake, but also because there are other factors that will determine the outcome of the game. It’s easy to watch him play because you know while he’s playing his heart out, he’s enjoying the freedom of fun.
Now I’m sure that Mr. Peyton has fun while he’s out there breaking records with M. Harrison; however, he is still so wrapped up in attempting to play a perfect game, that he is a slave to himself and the mistakes that he makes.
I can relate with him all to well, and so that’s where the obsession began a few years ago with the Colts and more specifically Peyton Manning.